Pre-Christmas Break Exams are just around the corner for all Upper School students on December 17th, 19th and 20th. Wednesday, December 18th is a study day for all students.  Students may opt to study at home; however, teachers will be available to meet with students and the Testing Center will be open to allow students time to make up tests or quizzes if necessary. 

Upper School students will have a noon dismissal on exam days and school lunch will not be available. Should a student need to stay at school following the early dismissal due to transportation needs, he or she will be provided a quiet place to study. Students need only be present when they have a scheduled exam. The week’s schedule is as follows:

Day / DateExam #1 – 8:25 – 10:10 AMExam #2 – 10:25  – 12:00 PM
Tuesday, December 17EnglishMath
Wednesday, December 18STUDY DAY Attendance at school not required
Thursday, December 19ReligionWorld Language
Friday, December 20HistoryScience
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