We are delighted to host Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, an internationally renowned speaker, author, and preacher, for a talk to parents from 2:30-3:15 this Wednesday in the Performing Arts Center. Deacon Harold has been to PA before and is a dynamic and faith-filled presenter. Highly recommended! He has appeared as a guest on numerous international Catholic radio and television programs and is the host or co-host of several popular series on the Eternal Word Television Network. Deacon Harold is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, and the award-winning author of six books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality and Building a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to Racism.
EWTN’s “Dynamic Deacon” to speak to parents this Wednesday, September 11, at 2:30 p.m.
by Todd Flanders | Sep 9, 2024 | Headmaster's Blog